OP – “OutInOut Project”

Soul Scrubbing

Love For Two

Father’s Son’s Father’s

Children Of Their Dream

Ban The Sugar

Hunter Hunted

Number One


No Water In My Lake

The “OutInOut Project” (OP) born from a great italian composer Leonardo Beltri who is recording orignal material in which I gave my main contribution co-writing and playing guitar parts. We released two albums:

Follow OP on…
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5870EZ…
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/out…
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/outinoutproje…
Official Website: http://www.outinoutproject.com


SONG: Soul Scrubbing (Guitar Solo)

This song is called “Soul Scrubbing”, it is an original work and it is part of the album “OutInOut Project” in which I gave my main contribution co-writing and playing guitar parts. In the video I play the final Guitar SOLO:

The main sound chain for this solo was: – Guitar Warmoth Custom Telecaster Bridge Lindy Fralin Blues Pickup – Big Muff – Fender Princeton ’63 Amp with 2×12 Cabinet (miked with 57/121/414) – Two Tap Delay with Modulation + Hall Reverb All was captured and builded digitally with the Kemper Profiling Amplifier.

SONG:  Love For Two (Guitar Solo)

This video means a lot for me: it was the first time that I upload original material! Leo was the author of this song (that is a part of a bigger project) in which I gave my contribution on mixing, recording, playing the guitars and writing the final solo shown in this video. I enjoyed a lot this new musical adventure!!!

I’m going to play more fantastic guitar solos in the other tracks Leo is recording with me and other great musicians !

Additional information…
Voice: Piano, Keyboards: Leo
Guitars: Maurizio70
Bass: Maurizio Meo
Drums: Daniele Pomo

The main sound chain for the solo is:
Warmoth Custom Telecaster Bridge&Neck Lindy Fralin Pickup in Series;
Compressor; Overdrive DS-1; AMP Divided13 FTR37; EQ; Delay; Reverb
In the second part of the solo there is also a 2 voices Pitch Shifter. All was done with the Kemper Profiling Amplifier.

SONG:  Refugee Blues (Guitar Solo)

Guitar Solo of “Refugee Blues” from “OutInOut Project” album by OP … inspired from a beautiful chords progression that Leonardo Beltri wrote some time ago. When Leo ask me to write this solo I carefully listen to the entire song till the full inspiration arrived and this is the final result … I enjoyed a lot to record it and I hope you will like it too…

GEAR USED #KemperAmp #StratocasterVintage

  • Fender Stratocaster Vintage ’57 Neck and Bridge Position, Tone to ‘Max’
  • Kemper Amplifier Custom Sound; EFFECT CHAIN: Noise Suppressor + Noise Gate + Compressor + EQ Pre Amp + TrainWreck Express AMP + EQ Post Stack + TwoTap Delay at 4/16 BPM + Room Reverb
  • Video recorded with Canon Legria HFS21, DAW Sequoia with MBOX3 Audio Interface

SONG:  Ken (Full Song)

SONG:  Number One (Full Song)

SONG:  Ban The Sugar (Full Song)

SONG:  Hunted Hunter (Full Song)

SONG:  No Water In My Lake (Full Song)

I really want to thank Leo for his great encouragement to musically move a step forward and for giving me this opportunity!

Hope you like it 🙂


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