* NOTE: you must upgrade your Kemper Amp Profiler at least to Release 7.1.5 or later
QUICK LINKs for U2 RIGs — >
• U2 – Bad (2 RIGs)
• U2 – New Year’s Day (2 RIGs / 1 Performance)
• U2 – Vertigo (2 RIGs / 1 Performance)
In this section there are RIGs created by me to recreate the sound of some U2 Songs.
Each RIG have often hours of story behind… I give some of these for free and I still do, these ones are upgrade of past rigs I did some years ago expecially taking advantage of the new Kemper Delays Features. Each RIG is build with a specific sound in mind and it never ends up to just an amp profile, there is lot of work in effects building, volumes adjustment for different song parts and Morph/Pedals usage. I write down some explanation notes to understand betetr how to use it.
For recreating The Edge sounds there are plenty of school, method, advices on the net and it’s a continuous challenge for each fan. I studied all of them and tried many, now my method is mainly based upon ears, experience and a continous A/B check with the original song, after studying his effects settings.
For almost each song in which you could be interested you will find:
1) an audio example (played by me) using the exact sound of the RIG on sale, so that you can judge by yourself if you like it or not;
2) the exact explanation of the gear used to get that sound and a detailed explanation of the RIG including Settings for Pedals (Volume/Wha/Pitch/Morph) and Remote Switch for dedicated song parts (note that the same notes are also stored in each RIG in the Comments Tags);
3) finally you will have the possibility to buy those RIGs together with an additional PERFORMANCE Ready to Go LIVE with all the settings.
To buy RIGs just click on the “Add to Cart” Button for all the items you need, once finished check the Cart (be careful there will be no duplicates) and use PayPal or any Credit Card to end the payment transaction. No need to subscribe or create any account.
Once finished you will receive an email to download all the RIGs and PERFORMANCEs (and, if possible, some additional files… backing, music sheets etc…). You can try at the beginning for just one rig to see how it works and if you have any doubt/problem contact me @ maurizio.giovanardi@gmail.com.
U2 – BAD (RIGs)
first is STUDIO Version @96 bpm, second is LIVE Version @104 bpm
♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫

RIGs INSTRUCTIONs (Bad) (UPDATED 2020-08-28)
Gear Used
LIVE Version -> Stratocaster Vintage ’57 Bridge Pickup parallel to Mid Pickup
STUDIO Version -> Les Paul Central Position Bridge//Neck
On both versions use Herdim Blu Pick on the ‘rough’ part to ‘scrabble’ the strings like The Edge; use Transpose to Play 1 step below: consider that the original tracks of U2 are in D (STUDIO Version) or in Db (LIVE Version).
Studio and Live version are quite different in timing, bpm and sound, even if the notes and riff played are the same. I love both and I like to play one or another indifferently, so I made two rigs here for U2 Bad SOUNDs, one for Live and one for Studio Versions.
1) RIG “#U2 Bad STUDIO G2/#c0” for LES PAUL Studio Sound;
I used here a DUAL delay since the BPM in the Studio Version is lower it sounds well a second delay @ 1/4 on top of the main one @ 3/4;
use a Les Paul or similar tone in central position and Herdim Pick then let’s play the delay come notes for you…
Pedal Volume start down and go up for ‘solo’ guitar part; put StompC ON on final part to raise a little bit the gain and the crunch (96bpm at 3/16 = 469 ms)
2) RIG “U2 Bad LIVE F2T8/#l0” for STRATOCASTER LIVE Sound, use Stratocaster in position 2 ( bridge/middle in parallel) and Herdim Pick; Pedal Volume start down and go up for ‘solo’ guitar part; put StompC ON on final part to raise a little bit the gain and the crunch (104bpm 3/16 – 433 ms)
In the download FILEs there are also some useful additional material (Backing Tracks for both version and in different BPM/Tuning, Music Sheets, TABs and Chords)
[Copyright by Maurizio70]
U2 – New Year’s Day (RIGs)
♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫

RIGs INSTRUCTIONs (New Year’s Day) (UPDATED 2020-12)
Gear Used: Gibson Les Paul Standard Bridge BurstBucker Pro Pickup (use also any Les Paul type Guitar on the Bridge Pickup); HERDIM Blue Pick needed for the pure The Edge Sound!!!
There are 2 RIGs and 1 PERFORMANCE for U2 – New Year’s Day SOUNDs:
1) RIG “#U2 NewYrsDay Rhy G1V7M-#g0” for Rhythm Drive Sound with delay for single notes and chords under the voice parts
Play Intro & Voice parts with Pedal Volume DOWN, while Play Riff Chords between Verses with Pedal Volume UP
Play just the intro before PIANO riff with Guitar Volume down to 7/10
2) RIG “#U2 NewYrsDay Sol G1-#e0” for the SOLO
In the download FILEs there are also Backing Tracks and Music Sheets.
[Copyright by Maurizio70]
U2 – Vertigo (RIGs)
♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪♫

RIGs INSTRUCTIONs (Vertigo) (UPDATED 2020-03-28)
Gear Used: Telecaster Bridge Pickup 10% OverWounds; Herdim Red Pick as The Edge Uses.
There are 3 RIGs and 1 PERFORMANCE for U2 – Vertigo SOUNDs:
1) RIG “#U2 Vertigo 1 Riff T1#s3” for Main Guitar Distorted RIFF Sound (slightly panned left like in the original recording)
BUTTONs: On Verse 2 for the Delayed Arpeggio push on Remote/Stage Butt IIII or use the second SOUND
2) RIG “#U2 Vertigo 2 Delay T1#s3” for the Delayed Arpeggio part on Verse 2 (listen to 1:11-1:25)
3) RIG “#U2 Vertigo 3 Solo T1#m8” for SOLO Guitar Part (slightly panned right like in the original recording)
PEDAL VOLUME: Begin with PedVol UP and End with PedVol DOWN on last higher single notes on second SOLO Part
In the download FILEs there are also Backing Tracks and Music Sheets.
[Copyright by Maurizio70]
Ciao Maurizio non mi hai più risposto su Messenger
Ciao Maurizio piacere Miky. Ho acquistato kemper Stage floorboard sto aspettando che mi arrivi. Mi servono rig degli U2. Mi daresti l elenco di tutti quelli che hai? Sia gratuiti che a pagamento.?
Ciao Michele, per mancanza di tempo non sono ancora riuscito a caricare molti rig che ho costruito … ti mando mail in privato con quello che ho così mi fai sapere quali ti possano interessare…
Ciao Maurizio rispondimi su Messenger siamo rimasti in sospeso