Soul Scrubbing
Love For Two
Father’s Son’s Father’s
Children Of Their Dream
Ban The Sugar

Hunter Hunted
Number One
No Water In My Lake
The “OutInOut Project” (OP) born from a great italian composer Leonardo Beltri who is recording orignal material in which I gave my main contribution co-writing and playing guitar parts. We released two albums:
Follow OP on…
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5870EZ…
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/out…
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/outinoutproje…
Official Website: http://www.outinoutproject.com
SONG: Soul Scrubbing (Guitar Solo)
This song is called “Soul Scrubbing”, it is an original work and it is part of the album “OutInOut Project” in which I gave my main contribution co-writing and playing guitar parts. In the video I play the final Guitar SOLO:
The main sound chain for this solo was: – Guitar Warmoth Custom Telecaster Bridge Lindy Fralin Blues Pickup – Big Muff – Fender Princeton ’63 Amp with 2×12 Cabinet (miked with 57/121/414) – Two Tap Delay with Modulation + Hall Reverb All was captured and builded digitally with the Kemper Profiling Amplifier.
SONG: Love For Two (Guitar Solo)
This video means a lot for me: it was the first time that I upload original material! Leo was the author of this song (that is a part of a bigger project) in which I gave my contribution on mixing, recording, playing the guitars and writing the final solo shown in this video. I enjoyed a lot this new musical adventure!!!
I’m going to play more fantastic guitar solos in the other tracks Leo is recording with me and other great musicians !
Additional information…
Voice: Piano, Keyboards: Leo
Guitars: Maurizio70
Bass: Maurizio Meo
Drums: Daniele Pomo
The main sound chain for the solo is:
Warmoth Custom Telecaster Bridge&Neck Lindy Fralin Pickup in Series;
Compressor; Overdrive DS-1; AMP Divided13 FTR37; EQ; Delay; Reverb
In the second part of the solo there is also a 2 voices Pitch Shifter. All was done with the Kemper Profiling Amplifier.
SONG: Refugee Blues (Guitar Solo)
Guitar Solo of “Refugee Blues” from “OutInOut Project” album by OP … inspired from a beautiful chords progression that Leonardo Beltri wrote some time ago. When Leo ask me to write this solo I carefully listen to the entire song till the full inspiration arrived and this is the final result … I enjoyed a lot to record it and I hope you will like it too…
GEAR USED #KemperAmp #StratocasterVintage
- Fender Stratocaster Vintage ’57 Neck and Bridge Position, Tone to ‘Max’
- Kemper Amplifier Custom Sound; EFFECT CHAIN: Noise Suppressor + Noise Gate + Compressor + EQ Pre Amp + TrainWreck Express AMP + EQ Post Stack + TwoTap Delay at 4/16 BPM + Room Reverb
- Video recorded with Canon Legria HFS21, DAW Sequoia with MBOX3 Audio Interface
SONG: Ken (Full Song)
SONG: Number One (Full Song)
SONG: Ban The Sugar (Full Song)
SONG: Hunted Hunter (Full Song)
SONG: No Water In My Lake (Full Song)
I really want to thank Leo for his great encouragement to musically move a step forward and for giving me this opportunity!
Hope you like it 🙂